Tōfā Mamao Collective is officially 2 years old as of last month, June. On Friday 10th July 2020, our official website went live! Tōfā Mamao Collective has come a long way, first starting with a group of like-minded people that had a shared interest in advancing the voices of the Pacific Disability Community and their lived experiences, as voices to be respected and taken seriously by our communities, wider public and society.
Tōfā Mamao Collective has committed themselves to some bold key targets. Valuing its unique position not as a traditional service provider, we aim to achieve our key objectives by influencing change through meaningful partnerships and genuine collaborations with like-minded individuals and organisations.
Through its regular monthly meetings, activities and events, Tōfā Mamao Collective provides a platform for young Pacific disabled people to gain valuable experiences and confidence, in preparation for future leadership opportunities.
In working collaboratively with others, the challenge for Tōfā Mamao Collective, now and into the future will be how to remain true to itself by not compromising their independent voice.
Tōfā Mamao Collective's independence will be essential in advancing the voices of those with lived experience without fear or favour, for example our current work developing an alternative to the recommendations outlined in the recent Health and Disability Review Report.
For more information on Tōfā Mamao Collective, please contact the Chair, AJ Pouoa on: aj.pouoa@tofamamao.com or Tunumafono Fa'amoetauloa Avaula Fa'amoe on: avaula.faamoe@tofamamao.com.